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Case Study 02
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Stuttering: Comprehensive Evaluation for Motor and Sensory Systems
Arjun, a 5-year-old boy and self-referral by the mother came with c/o stuttering when he first visited Theraphil.
After a comprehensive evaluation for motor and sensory systems, it was found that his general body tone was low and that his chewing was not very efficient. His speech was fast and consequently, he swallowed a lot of words while speaking. Additionally, an irregularity was observed in his breathing pattern.
The sessions designed for him were aimed at improving his general body tone. Also, exercises for improving tone and strengthening the muscles of oral cavity were advised. Since he was very fond of balloons, fun activities like blowing and popping the balloon were added to his therapeutic sessions.
Keeping in mind his likes and dislikes, more of such activities were incorporated into his home program.
Regulation of breath and an increase in the body tone helped his stuttering. Few strategies which required being more aware and using cognition to self-regulate in challenging situations were also implemented for significant results.
*The name has been changed for client confidentiality