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Case Study 03
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Behavioral Tics: Sound-based Intervention (SBI)
Payal, a 7-year-old girl and a self-referral by an informed, aware parent, was struggling with Tics. She used to make a peculiar noise as if she had an irritation in her throat. Her case was critically examined and was ruled out by a medical practitioner.
The case has a special significance, as it was handled completely on a virtual platform [due to pandemic] through teletherapy. After a comprehensive evaluation which included clinical as well as history taking and a few standardized tests, it was observed that she had some difficulties with the Interoceptive system.
She faced issues in regulating hunger pangs and therefore ate more to avoid the feeling of having an empty stomach. In addition to this, Payal had an inconsistent span of attention which affected her spellings in academics.
Sound-based intervention along with sensory-motor approach was used to enhance and integrate the sensory system.
Sensory diet was prescribed which included physical activities that were tailored to meet her sensory needs.
*The name has been changed for client confidentiality