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Writer: Ms. Purvi GandhiMs. Purvi Gandhi


Let’s go back to school and recollect one of our science classes. Most of us would remember how our teachers made us mug up the 5 senses in humans. “Smell, Taste, Sight, Sound and Touch”. The entire class must have repeated this order in a typical rhythm with the teacher. But do we ever wonder which of these senses is the first to develop?

A research shows that ‘touch’ is one of the first senses to develop and begins as early as 8 weeks of pregnancy. The baby starts responding to touch even when he/she is in the womb. Even after the child is born its through physical contact that he explores the new environment that he enters in. Since the child takes time to express himself through words, he naturally uses the language of touch to bond, especially with the mother. Research suggests that affectionate gentle touch releases love hormone called oxytocin, which has calming effect. It incorporates a sense of security among the babies. Touch benefits mother and baby alike. The depressed mothers of infants are observed to lower their depression levels by massaging a child.

In addition to this, touch is also an essential part of a child’s neurological and cognitive development. Infants who are in greater physical proximity of the parents demonstrate increased mental development in 0-6 months of growth. Positive touch can facilitate enhanced social, emotional and physical development at a young age. On the other hand, children who are touch deprived are likely to be anxious, aggressive or emotional distressed.

Therefore, skin-to-skin contact not only impacts short term development during pregnancy and early childhood, but also has long term effects, suggesting the power of gentle, appropriate touch right from birth. Just as food, the baby needs physical contact for proper growth and development.

To conclude with, here are a few tips that can help the ‘newly born parents’ for stimulating their child’s brain through touch.

  • Massage: It enhances their body awareness and helps them experience different sensations depending on the part of the body being touched.

  • Caress: Babies feel secured in the close proximity of the mother due to familiar smell, warmth and feel of the body same as in utero. Therefore, hold the baby often, caress and stroke gently.

  • Textures: Gradually enhance your child’s sense of touch by offering him/her safe materials to manipulate, like textured toys or different fabric of their preference.

Parents should keep in mind that all babies are different and they have their own preferences. For instance, some babies may find light touch uncomfortable and would prefer more firm touch. So adapt a behaviour according to the preference of your baby.

Happy parenting!!


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